
About Me
The Importance Of A Good Family Doctor

After we started having kids, I realized that we needed one doctor that really understood our family history. My son had a severe peanut and soy allergy, and so we wanted someone who could carefully track his symptoms. Instead of working with specialists who were difficult to make appointments with, we chose an excellent, highly-recommended family doctor in our area. The difference was amazing. Our doctor paid close attention to his symptoms, and he was able to live a largely symptom-free life. My blog is dedicated to helping people realize the importance of primary care physicians so that you can keep your family healthy.

What Is The Best Type Of Myomectomy For A Faster Recovery?

17 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you have been diagnosed with fibroids and are getting a myomectomy, then you are probably worried about recovery time. A myomectomy is a procedure that removes fibroids from your uterus. It helps to understand that you have to take time off from work. The question is the how much time. Read on to find out about the types of myomectomies and the recovery times. Abdominal Myomectomy An abdominal or open myomectomy is usually done on a patient with large fibroids. Read More …

3 Ways to Calm a Child During Allergy Testing

16 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

For adults, allergy testing might not be a big deal. However, children might have a more difficult time with it. If your child is scheduled for allergy testing, here are some ways you can help prepare him or her and things you can do to make the experience easier.  Talk to Your Child  In the week leading up to the testing, you need to talk to your child about the actual procedure. Read More …

Important Information That You Should Know About Your Newborn’s Hearing Screening

16 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Before you take your baby home from the hospital, most states require a hearing screening. Early detection of a hearing problem can help babies with a hearing loss receive early intervention and timely care. About three out of every thousand newborns in the United States have some degree of hearing loss. Therefore, it is important to learn as much as possible about the screenings so that you can be an informed new parent. Read More …

5 Tips For Dealing With Plantar Fasciitis

16 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Plantar fasciitis is a common, albeit very painful, foot condition caused by the inflammation of the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs through the arch of the foot from the toes to the heel. This condition can cause shooting pain on the bottom of the foot and difficulty walking properly. There is no quick fix for plantar fasciitis, as the plantar fascia tissue is typically slow to heal, but there are several things that can be done to manage pain and promote recovery: Read More …

Ways Of Preparing Your Pets For Your New Baby

14 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Your pet is going to think he or she has to step aside with your new baby's arrival, and this can be stressful. Your pet thinks of you as a mother or father, and any other pets as his or her sibling. Previously, your pet has been the center of all your attention. Fortunately, there are things you can do to prepare your pet for your baby's arrival. Minimizing Hurt Feelings Gradually spend less time with your pet before the baby arrives. Read More …