2 Procedures Performed At A Rectal Clinic
While most of us do not wish to have an issues regarding our rectum, colon, and surrounding area, these problems sometimes arise and are actually very common among a lot of the population. Thankfully, when they do occur, you have the comfort of knowing that there are several great doctors and medical facilities out there that can give you the specialized care that you need. One such place is a rectal clinic. This article is going to discuss 2 procedures that are performed at a rectal clinic.
One of the most common procedures that a rectal clinic is going to perform will be a colonoscopy. To prepare for a colonoscopy, you are going to be required to clean out your entire colon in the days preceding the procedure. This is done by ingesting a liquid diet and different forms of stool softeners. A colonoscopy is a scope that is going to go in through your rectum and will allow the doctor to see all of your large intestine. A small camera is going to be attached to a tube, which will allow the doctor to take pictures as the tubing travels through your large intestine. This view is going to allow them to look for any abnormalities in your intestine, such as tissue that is inflamed, growths of different kinds, ulcers, or anything else that isn't part of a normal large intestine. Colonoscopies are used as a regular screening procedure for things like colon cancer, but they are also requested for different reasons. Some of these reasons include anal bleeding, anal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, etc. Using a colonoscopy to diagnose these conditions can be helpful because it gives the doctor a complete view of your bowels, colon, and intestines, thus allowing them to see what exactly could be causing your symptoms.
If your doctor finds something wrong with you when they perform your colonoscopy, then you may need surgery as part of treatment. A successful form of surgery that some doctors use is called laparoscopy. This procedure is going to be minimally invasive, decreasing your pain and recovery time. It is performed by making small incisions in your colon and going in to make repairs. This form of surgery is successful for remove polyps and other growths that are both cancerous and non-cancerous, to repair rectal prolapse, and to treat other conditions, such as constipation, hemorrhoids, and more. You will be in the hospital for a few days following your procedure, but will gradually begin to eat and drink within the first couple of days and will shortly make a full recovery.